
  • Nurtas Marat International Information Technologies University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Baishemirov Zharasbek RSE Institute of Information and Computational Technology CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Madi Tastanov International Information Technologies University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Zhandos Zhanabekov International Information Technologies University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Victor Tsay International Information Technologies University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ключевые слова:

Seismology, machine learning, AI method, seismic waves, time window, three-channel seismograms, polarization content.


In the course of recent years, progresses in sensor innovation has lead to increments in the interest for
automated strategies for investigating seismological signals. Fundamental to the comprehension of the components
creating seismic signals is the information on the phases of seismic waves. Having the option to indicate the kind of
wave prompts better performing seismic forecasting frameworks. In this article, we propose another strategy for the
characterization of seismic waves quantification from a three-channel seismograms. The seismograms are isolated
into covering time windows, where each time-window is mapped to a lot of multi-scale three-dimensional unitary
vectors that portray the direction of the seismic wave present in the window at a few physical scales. The issue of
arranging seismic waves gets one of ordering focuses on a few two-dimensional unit circles. We take care of this
issue by utilizing kernel based machine learning that are remarkably adjusted to the geometry of the circle. The
grouping of the seismic wave depends on our capacity to gain proficiency with the limits between sets of focuses on
the circles related with the various kinds of seismic waves. At each signal scale, we characterize a thought of
vulnerability connected to the order that considers the geometry of the dissemination of tests on the circle. At long
last, we join the grouping results acquired at each scale into a unique label.




Как цитировать

Marat, N., Zharasbek, B., Tastanov, M., Zhanabekov, Z., & Tsay, V. (2020). CLASSIFICATION OF SEISMIC PHASES BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, (5), 33–42. извлечено от