
  • D.V. Panyukova The Satbaev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A.B. Kairanbayeva Institute of the Ionosphere, National Center for Space Research and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G.B. Nurpeissova The Caspian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K.V. Panyukov The ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Ключевые слова:

smart grid, GIS, decentralization, optimization task, real-time digital simulation, HVDC.


Nowadays republican grid in Kazakhstan is regulated to have automated electric power accounting
system for every energy supplying entity. However, with wide implementation of units on renewable energy sources
(RES), especially in private sector, such measures will not be enough. World scientific community propose a number
of methods to modernize grids on national or regional level. One of them is to transit from AC power transmission
system to DC power transmission system. It leads to easier connection of plant on RES to the grid and costeffectiveness
in power transmission per each kilometer. Other modern approach is real-time digital simulation. Such
simulation gives information on grid’s functioning after emergency switching to plan all necessary balancing
measures. Next modernization step is in use of phasor measurement units in real-time monitoring for each element of
the grid. All of previously specified methods can be developed into GIS on electric power supplement, consumption
and transmission. A decentralization on the GIS basis can be implemented to the grid to minimize control delay for
the whole system. Authors propose an optimization task for decentralized smart grid on the GIS basis. Such approach
allows minimizing reaction time on emergency and power balancing. In addition, it gives opportunity for proper
planning of future power construction.




Как цитировать

Panyukova, D., Kairanbayeva, A., Nurpeissova, G., & Panyukov, K. (2020). SMART GRIDS WITH GIS TECHNOLOGY. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, (3), 135–141. извлечено от