
  • A.V. Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov V.G. Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute “NCSRT” NSA RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • L.T. Karipbayeva V.G. Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute “NCSRT” NSA RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A.A. Steblyakova International Informatization Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ключевые слова:

Nuclear astrophysics; primordial nucleosynthesis; thermal and astrophysical energies; p8Li cluster system; radiative capture; total cross section.


The total cross sections of the radiative proton capture on 8Li at astrophysical energies are considered
in the framework of the modified potential cluster model with forbidden states, with the classification of the orbital
cluster states according to Young diagrams. The recalculation of the total cross sections for 9Be(γ,p0)8Li
photodisintegration is used as experimental data. Parameters for Gaussian partial potentials were obtained for
description the 8Li(p,)9Be capture at astrophysical energies. Simultaneously, in work of Shoda, & Tanaka (1999),
different binary channels of disintegration of 9Be, namely, 9Be(,p)8Li, 9Be(,d)7Li, 9Be(,t)6Li and also
9Be(,3He)6He, were experimentally studied. It is evident that the processes of two-body radiative capture connected
with them by the detailed balancing principle lead to the synthesis of 9Be and require the corresponding estimation
contextually in the astrophysical supplements. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the first three reactions have the
Coulomb barrier in channels p8Li, d7Li and t6Li lower than in 3He6He along with 4He5He channels, namely, in the
ratio of 3:4. The cross section of 8Li(p,)9Be is hard to obtain directly due to low 8Li beam intensity and the small
cross section at astrophysical energies. In addition, the difficulty of studying the reaction of 8Li(p,)9Be also lies in
the fact that the direct experimental measurement of cross sections is practically impossible due to the very short
half-life of 8Li – 838 ms. However, as in the case of the neutron capture on 8Li, some indirect methods of extracting
direct capture cross sections can be used with the help of the radiative capture model and spectroscopic factor.




Как цитировать

Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov, A., Karipbayeva, L., & Steblyakova, A. (2020). PARTIAL POTENTIALS FOR THE 8Li(p,)9Be CAPTURE AT ASTROPHYSICAL ENERGIES. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, (3), 34–43. извлечено от