
  • A.T. Kokenova International humanitarian and technical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • A.A. Sadykbekova Shymkent University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • O.A. Statsenko Institute named after M. Saparbaev, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • B.B. Orazova University of Miras, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  • A.A. Rizakhodzhayev International humanitarian and technical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Ключевые слова:

sustainable development, competitiveness, agro-industrial complex, entrepreneurship, development mechanism, efficiency.


Neither the development of the world economy nor the availability of raw materials can guarantee the stability of economic development and a high level of social welfare. Now Kazakhstan faces the task of accelerated development of national economy sectors that give a multiplicative effect (the share of agricultural products in the country's GDP should grow 5 times by 2050), including the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan has a great potential to become a new driver of economic development. Therefore, the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan needs sustainable development of export-oriented agricultural production that is competitive on the world market.
Despite the solution of many theoretical and applied problems reflected in the works of these authors, a General approach to the classification of organizational reserves for improving the efficiency of production of scientific-intensive products is not currently formed, and the issues of forming a mezzanine for identifying and using, and evaluating the level of production efficiency require further improvement.
The purpose of the research is to develop theoretical, scientific, methodological and practical provisions for the formation of a production management system of innovative potential based on improving the competitiveness of the agricultural industry, aimed at ensuring food security in Kazakhstan.
The article shows that the innovative type of economic development requires the development of a competitive innovative potential product, the implementation of the principles of continuous improvement, the search and use of the organization of production for its effective production. The necessity of forming mechanisms for identifying and using organizational reserves to increase the efficiency of production of innovative potential products is also determined. This opened up the possibility of creating and developing conditions conducive to the mobilization of domestic reserves.


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Как цитировать

Kokenova, A., Sadykbekova, A., Statsenko, O., Orazova, B., & Rizakhodzhayev, A. (2020). MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR. «Вестник НАН РК», (6), 154–161. извлечено от